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I'm a 23-year-old college student who attends Florida State University, I have had a love for fish tanks and 3D Printers my whole life. I got into reef aquariums after falling in love with the colorful fish, I then slowly started to add corals and noticed my light wasn't growing them the best. So I bought an AI Prime and loved the power and adjustability but it had a couple of problems. I hated the disco ball effect on my sand bed and the super bright LEDs blinding me when I was sitting on my couch so I came up with a solution. After making the light diffuser and shade I wanted to make other accessories for my reef tank, so I did. I started by making frag racks, frag rocks, and diffusers for other types of lights. After selling my products through eBay, Fish stores, and some local groups, I have decided to make my own website to start something of my own and see where it takes me!

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